Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Teacher Interview

Name of Interviewer: Sandra Garofano
Name of participating school: Lowell Community Charter
Name of Participating Teacher:  Marie B.        Date : 1/9/15

Response to this interview (please check one)
___ Classroom (face to face) _x_Phone   ___Skype
___ Facetime                                          __X_ Email ___ USP

Directions, please answer the questions in the most brief and accurate manner.

  1. What is your understanding of the benefits of using technology in your classroom setting?

In early education, it is hard to say the benefit because they are just beginning their technological journey. And so are we, as teachers in the field for many years.  Children are coming into school with previous experience in technology such as knowing how to use a cell phone, ipad or tablet although they can use their fingers to maneuver the cursor icon and make it go to the place they want it to go, children in my age group do not know how to use the keyboard, for the most part.  By using the keyboard children  learning letter and numeral recognition.   I have children that struggle to stay on task but put them in front of a computer and they can complete and extend tasks.
We have used the computer to look up information to parts of lessons as a large group and as small groups.  In one lesson unit we were  learning about hot air balloons and the children wanted to see a real one, so I got online and connected to a video resource and children got to see a hot air balloon ride in action. So, technology can be used as a resource to extend and enhance a lesson.  

  1. What is your concern(s) (if any) of using technology in your classroom?  
In my classroom  we used the standard computer software programs.  It is safe, so we do not have to worry about what students are going to encounter it is all controlled.  but, we just got new equipment that allows for more exploration to certain websites, but it’s  still controlled.   

  1. What types of technology do you feel is beneficial to your classroom age group?
  I have a mixed age group of 3-6 year olds. There are many differences but many sameness. Children are learning a different levels and with technology the teacher can challenge learners to get them in a higher order of thinking and also support the children that struggle in their learning.  
We use the whiteboard for large group learning and practicing skills,and we have two computer stations within the classroom that can be used for up to four children. We also have two Leap Pads from Leapfrog that children can use interactively or on their own to support pre reading skills and more.
We recently obtained two ipads for the classroom and two ipods that children can use for music library, games and interactive reinforcements to help children achieve.  Some of the websites I use and like are abcmouse, starfall, that is a great resource for phonics.  

  1. How does technology use address all learners in your classroom? I use a variety of software and some online programs. I have students of various language capacity such as spanish speaking, cambodian, portuguese, and others. So a program of supports like ,, and ,where children can listen to stories, and interactively respond but is focused on spacific areas of achievement.  Also, the school has programs we use for support.

  1. How do you rate your school’s technological support for teaching staff?  (On a scale from 1, poor, 2 fair, 3 could use improvement, 4 very good, 5 supportive and knowledgable)

Could use Improvements
Very good
              5 Supportive and Knowledgable

For the most part , we could always use improvements.  Just like I am a teacher but if i do not continue to educate myself on the upcoming data/statistics, and gain training and education...well, then, shame on me for not making myself aware.

         In the boxes provided, give a brief elaboration.

6.  What do you see as way of a challenge for students of the 21st century?
   Challenges change almost on a daily basis! As does, our 21st century learners.   However, students in middle to High school years seem  to have it most difficult.  They are up against the social media that is changing on an almost daily basis. Along with that, school  work  sites are constantly moving to new levels (to test one’s social and technological abilities? )  Care must be taken on all levels to promote a healthy, rhythmic transition that allows for continued evolvement.  
But, I think a challenge is within the teachers themselves.  Some teachers can embrace the use of technology but others can’t or don’t know how to.  I know, sometimes I struggle!

7. Is there anything you want to change in the current school system in way of technology use?
There is plenty to change or needs to be changed within the whole system!  However, technology use is still developing and we are learning as we go along.  I am not an expert on technology and for the most part I am learning with my group of children, sometimes they are instructing me!  

8. You are an early educator?   Why are you interested in the later school learners?
Because learning, it all begins here! In preschool and kindergarten!!... but it seems we have lost what and how students learn that is most productive to them when they get to older grades children stop exploring, maybe because we teach that way?  More emphasis should be on keeping the students engaged.  yes, technology helps.

In the discussions and  a brief observation  I got a sense that this classroom was involved in technological  advances  at their own pace and as a group.  Some of the children used the standard computer software programs that were based on thematic unit already in process for a concentration on Language arts and math.  Then there was the individual iPad used when a music lesson was in session and the teacher Ms.Marie B. used a site on the ipad  to teach a song related to their thematic unit.  Two children used a program for guitar along with a real child’s folk guitar (for play) . In the reading area one child used headphones to read (listen)quietly to  himself, Ms.Marie B.  stated that he is “catching up” on phonics skill.

I believe that in this classroom children were able to explore  individual interests in technology and instructed  use of technology. There was also interactive play and choices for all children. And most of all they were having fun.  

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