Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Parents let's be smart about Technology use?

A child learns about his/her world within the context of their daily environment.  In their play they mimic talking on the phone, carry out chores, pretend to cook what mom made for "lastterday's" (yesterday's) dinner.  As we become more and more entrenched in media so has our young.  In fact the use of apps for cell phones and tablets have in creased from 39% to 80% of young children between the ages of 2-4 years old in the past two years according to research reported by the nonprofit Zero to Three.  Are our young children missing out on essential basic human contact?  Will children become introverted and rely on media to connect with other children and loose their natural zest for play?
Parents can balance children's time on media apps and tablets by practicing the same for themselves.  When parents are engaged with their children and not on their tablets or cell phones they  are teaching the importance of essential basic human contact.

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