Sunday, December 28, 2014

Vision of Technology Intergration

Vision of Technology Integration- Sandi Garofano

                I remember when I was in fourth grade, our teacher asked us to write about and draw how we envision out future with technology.  I, much like many of my peers, wrote about living much like a popular cartoon at the time called “The Jetson’s.” I wrote about my home built high off the ground sphere like in formation, flying cars, and moving walkways to take me to school; another sphere shaped building set up with rows of desks but our teacher was a robot and she stood in front of a large TV screen that fed us lessons each time she pressed a button on her chest.  Our desks were high tech with buttons to push to answer tests.  We still had homework and books, we were “fed” information through lectures and watching the big TV screen. We still took tests to prove our understanding, and the classroom environment was the same. 

Now, forty six years later here I am asked almost the same question.  What I see and understand is there is an infinite vision that knows no bounds. The world has progressed into a global community.  Even the structure of our education system is moving beyond the traditional pedagogy of lectures and direct instruction to interactive and collaboration.     

 Thomas Friedman, a New York Times columnist explains in a you tube presentation at Yale University in what he calls the “Flat world theory”,
where he details the phenomenon of the leveling of global economics.  Freidman explains there are three eras of globalization he catoragized as the thread of globalization:

1.0:   From 1492-1800’s, that shrunk the world from large to medium with the dynamic agent being the countries globalizing
2.0:  From the 1800’s -2000, that shrunk the world from medium to small with the  dynamic agent being companies globalizing
3.0:  From 2000- to the present, that is shrinking the world from small to tiny with the dynamic agent being the individual and small groups.

Why is this important and what does this have to do with the vision of technology integration in the classroom?
 In short, with the introduction to the the Dot Com, internet and fiber optics era, our communication and interaction in the world has taken on infinite possibilities. Also, with billions of people connecting and competing in Friedman’s “flat world theory” the playing field has grown. Leaving America, as proclaimed in Friedman’s presentation, as not ready.  With new global order it puts creative, entrepreneurial individuals in the driver’s seat and possesses new challenges and opportunities and our students need to be prepared. 
In my view, I see that the student is already equipped with beginning tools to compete in the ever flattening world due to their pre exposure to the internet, and many devices that their parents are already buying and exposing their children to and can probably teach the teachers how to use these devices.  But, many teachers are afraid to use computers and the internet because they are still learning themselves.  In an ideal classroom teachers should have an open mind while providing an interactive and student-teacher, peer to peer, and global collaboration to learning.

A draw back to experiencing an ideal classroom technology experience is that many of the educational institutions are still teaching in as if we were in the industrial era.  The educational institution was designed to get students ready for the workforce, however the workforce has quickly changed since the computer age and the work force is demanding high-level thinkers, problem solvers, creativity, and ability to collaborate.                 

 Don Tapscott author of “Grown up Digital” elaborated in an interview with Alistair Craven, stating that in today’s working world collaboration is important because work is more cognitively complex, dependent on team-based collaboration, social skills and time pressure. Thus making work reliant on technological competence and mobility and companies are bridging teams across the world.  (Emerald group publishing p.6)     

 Tapscott also suggests that educational institutions look to change teaching strategy to develop strong world workers such as moving from a teacher-centered model to learner-centered.  Thus centering the learning on the individual and allowing for a more interactive, creating an environment with student to student collaboration, research, discussions. With the goal to teach student to navigate, learn and think and individualize to the learner. (p.4)

I am seeing more and more of the importance of technology integration in all schools and especially in the lower economic educational institutions.  Students will need to have the exposure both at home and in school in order to prepare them for the future complex work force of the present and in the future. I believe that to become a high achieving school and one that can help the individual students reach their full potential to directly compete for global employment more resources need to be invested in providing our education systems and teachers with the trainings, technological tools and ability to be collaborative learners as well as the students. 

I envision all schools beginning from pre-K to establish an environment rich with various technological tools such as individual ipads and laptops, interactive mobile devices and networking capabilities.  Students will work in small groups and individually, create/develop real world solution within content, teachers will be active learners and collaborators and guide the students.  Students will research in real time, connect with others from various parts of the world, share learning experiences, exchange ideas, and continue to build their knowledge.  Most importantly the students will become invested learners because learning is more interactive and they are 
already interested in technology!


Technology Article review-Sandi Garofano

Technology article Literature review- Sandi Garofano

Society is in a fast track with integrating technology in the classrooms from preschooler through high school andbeyound. Leaders in the education field has determined what and how techloogy is to be used in our classrooms.  And as quickly as technology is implemented, it also as quickly is changing and evolving.  In the not so distant past technology was used as a source to gather supporting information of content for students within the classroom environment.  In a short time technology support grew into an array of devices, and applications on an individual level to an interactive and collaborative level.  In education leadership the importance of various technology is fast becoming the norm with in classrooms.  But what about parents, what are their views of technology in the classrooms?
According to an article by Jeff Dunn, “what parents want from technology in the classroom?” From, he emphasizes that parents are on board with using technology in the classroom and in fact parents have or will purchase many of the devices being used currently in the classrooms.  Parents also see a learning value to using technology; Mobil technology in the classrooms because it is reported that mobile applications promote teaching and learning math, science, reading and enhance children’s curiosity and creativity. In the middle to high school years parent note of the value benefit closely relate to the above stated and to learning languages, current events and social and digital responsibilities. 
Some concerns continue to be forward such as parents want children to use technology in a controlled environment and have teachers guide their learning a use of technology in the classroom.  Not surprising parents of younger learners in preschool level are more enthusiastic for the use of technology in the classroom but parents of middle school and high school level had concerns of using mobile media due to global interaction.  Even with the concern globally, 25% of all students between middle and high school use mobile devices such as smartphones on a daily basis. 
In an article from Young Children (2012), “Touch Tablet Surprise” a teacher with preconceived ideas and beliefs was reluctant to implement technology into the preschool classroom because she strongly believed that children at this age learn through interactive play and hands-on experience to construct understanding of their world.  She thought that there would be a negative impact on children’s social interactions if she used technology in the classroom. Cautiously, she introduced the children in her classroom the tablet and was surprised of her findings.
                High-lighted findings:
                >Children actually increased social skills
                > It enhanced collaboration with all children
             > Some children became more entranced to use technology
> Other children continued with their natural exploration of the classroom using their hands-on     experiences.
>The tablet became part of the routine learning environment.

In yet another article by Leah Levy, “Teacher’s guide to Digital Storytelling” posted by , She notes that another learning advantage to using technology and specifically, digital technology in the classroom setting is digital storytelling.  Moving beyond the preschool to elementary technology in the classroom. Teaching certain concepts can be a difficult task as such as critical thinking and writing.   With digital storytelling students can learn how to brainstorm, narrate, construct unique voices and arguments in a logical manner and in a collaborative environment using tools that students at this age level already have an interest in and promotes students to reach their own creativity using apps that help students explore interactively, edit, and create expression all their own.  While learning essential skills to support technological learning.



Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Literature Review-4 ways Technology Can make Your Music Lessons Sing

Class objectives met through this review:

1. Learn ways to promote student reflection using collaborative tools to reveal and clarify students conceptual understanding.

5. Evaluate and reflect on emerging tools and trends by reviewing current research and professional literature

Technolgy can be a challenge at every level level in the educational sysytem for many vast reasons. Teachers may feel inadiquite with their knowlege and teaching skills. Students are arriving with pre technology skills even entering a Kindergarten classroom.  Technology intergration is taking place at lightening speed in content areas at every grade level. What about music? What benefits can technology offer?
According to an article written by David Rath, (2014) 4 Ways Technology can Make your Music Lesson Sing. He states there is a concern with many schools that are teaching music in the same way for decades and students are missing out on tools that can enhance their music abilities.

  Tablets instead of Paper
By changing  from paper music to using ipads and tablets students are more interactive in their learning, they can access apps to annotae their scores, teaachers can send audio -recordings allowing students to practice and play along, students can use apps for writing their own music and make tracks.(p.2)

A director of chiors at Oltman middle school in St. Park, MN, voiced concerns having technology as a pedagogy tool such as students that can make bad decisions in ways to use the ipads and tablets by playing games such a mindcraft.  But further states many improvements are being made to control those concern with lock out features.
An Elementary school music teacher ar Far Hills Country Day School, New Jersey began to implement technology to intoduce non traditional ways of learning music and credits apps such as NoteFlight, where students as young as second grade can compose simple melodies and play them. 

Technology can  enhance performance by using virtual instruments apps onto ipads and plugs them into a sound system and can support students that struggle with fine motor skills. Tools such as iDoceo also are used for assessments because it captures performances and students can see their progress.

Rehearsing Via social Media
                    Teacher Lori Pirzer, director of bands and music at Oak Middle school in Newberry, FL uses interactive projector along with software apps such as TonalEnergy Tuner to help students improve their sound. 
Students can visually see if they are sharp, flat or on time on a white board.  Using apps such as SmartMusic offer students feed back on their performance and Edmundo for social media platform to communicate with students and parents.   
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Helpful Links:     
                                                                                     TonalEnergy Toner:

Utilizing technology teaching tools that incorporate software application, media, and social media teachers are able to give students an edge on their own learning. Students will become more proficient in the subject matter, be more engaged in their learning by interactive engagement and enhance their own creativity as well as set higher expectations in their learning.  Technology may be scary for some teachers but stepping out of our comfort zone to help ensure students will have a real edge in building their education, we need to embrace the tools, learn the tools, and engage in students learning. Technology is  reaching across the grades and globe.. The posiblilities are endless even in Music.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Parents let's be smart about Technology use?

A child learns about his/her world within the context of their daily environment.  In their play they mimic talking on the phone, carry out chores, pretend to cook what mom made for "lastterday's" (yesterday's) dinner.  As we become more and more entrenched in media so has our young.  In fact the use of apps for cell phones and tablets have in creased from 39% to 80% of young children between the ages of 2-4 years old in the past two years according to research reported by the nonprofit Zero to Three.  Are our young children missing out on essential basic human contact?  Will children become introverted and rely on media to connect with other children and loose their natural zest for play?
Parents can balance children's time on media apps and tablets by practicing the same for themselves.  When parents are engaged with their children and not on their tablets or cell phones they  are teaching the importance of essential basic human contact.